Thursday, March 26, 2009

iTune installation failure on Vista

Today, I received my iTouch, and as I tried installing iTune from Apple, I could not believe when the installation failed. I tried again, and it failed again. It kept on happening for some more tries (between the multiple reboots I did). But it did not installed on my Lenovo having Vista Home Premium. As I double click on 70 MB+ files I downloaded freom Apple's website, a DOS window disappears as soon as it appears. I am at my wits ends!!! I have been able to install softwares of my choice on this laptop, and never before, had a problem. I think there are many many Vista users who are having the trouble with new version of iTune. Help me if you know the problem and the solution. Meanwhile, I am downloading the previous version of iTune for installation.

[Update] - Installation of iTune 7.7 was successful; however, when I connected my iTouch, it refused to work with it, saying v8 or later is required! I then updated iTune from its Help menu option. The update was of 85 MB, and it went well. I connected my iTouch, and it immediately recognized it. No problems faced this time!

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