Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Replacing DisplayTag

I have been involved in an Intranet application for a big SCM client for around 2 years now. This application is being build on JBoss with Struts 1.1. Since the days of its prototype, DisplayTag has been used for the Grid type functionality. There are a couple of screens which require Grid. Some of the Grids are editable as well. Moreover, there are various complex scenarios attached with them e.g. pressing escape should bring revert the changes done to selected row or tabbing off the row should result in saving of the row among others.
However, now, we are replacing Display Tag with a Grid Applet. The reason being that it is slow to render pages (through pagination).
So, do you have a view here. Any suggestions which applets can be considered? Textbooks


Anjan said...

hi there,

this is an AJAX component that has been growing pretty fast the last few months.

applets : no idea ?


Anonymous said...

I started a project a while back that builds html tables with a Java API or through a Tag library. The project is called JMesa.

The next release is going to have an editable grid view. I have the UML class diagrams done and just need to finish spec'ing it out before I begin coding. The feature may take a couple months to get completed and production ready...although I hope to have things working in a few weeks. Editable grids with JMesa will be quite natural.

-Jeff Johnston

Anonymous said...

Just letting developers know that the Worksheet functionality is now available in the 2.3 release of JMesa!

-Jeff Johnston

Prashanth Kokati said...

Thanks @Rajneesh for posting this blogpost and @Jeff for pointing me to the relavant JMesa project. This is exactly we need in our intranet project.

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