Sunday, July 22, 2007

Scrum Vocabulary

  • A Product Owner compiles all the changes planned for the product and prioritizes the possible functionalities.
  • Sprint is A 1-6 week period in which the delivery team produces (mutually agreed)acceptable product features. Also called Iteration in the Agile methodology.
  • The result of the Product Owner’s work is a Product Backlog. It is a to-do list that is constantly reprioritized. Before each Sprint, the highest prioritized goals are transferred to a Sprint Backlog.
  • Together with a user, the project members form a Scrum Team. During discussions with the Product Owner, the goal of the Sprint is determined and the prioritized functionality is broken down into detailed tasks.The team is self-organized and the members have a joint responsibility for the results.
  • The Scrum Master coaches the development team, removes any possible impediments and constantly works to ensure that the team has the best possible circumstances for realizing the goals fixed for the Sprint.

1 comment:

Michael Vizdos said...

Great posting!

To learn more, check out my blog at (weekly cartoons) and please let me know if you have any questions about Scrum -- or other agile techniques -- in the future.

Thank you.

- mike vizdos

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