Monday, May 14, 2007

If you just focus on fixing someone...

Rajesh Setty of Life Beyond Code has this inspiring entry about 'fixing' people.

Your spouse wants to fix you.

You want to fix your spouse.

Your parents want to fix you.

You want to fix your children.

Your teachers want to fix you.

You want to fix your teachers.

Your boss wants to fix you.

You want to fix your boss.

Your colleagues want to fix you.

You want to.. well you get the point.

Wanting to fix someone whether right or not has one problem. In your quest to fix that someone, you forget to leverage the strengths of the that person for the benefit of both.

Next time, before you attempt to "fix" someone, why not focus on what that person brings to the table and see how best both of you can benefit from it?

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