Thursday, April 12, 2007

Process Improvement – Is it a Lottery?

The Methods & Tools newsletter has just released in its html archive section the article "Process Improvement – Is it a Lottery?" by Paul Morgan। This article provides an overview of the approach utilized to implement process improvement across its global organization without losing focus of its business drivers। It provides a practical overview of how over a four year period an organization moved from CMM® Level 1 to Level 3 and is currently transitioning to CMMI® Level 4. It will provide a candid insight including lessons learned and approaches adopted to achieve success. It will also provide examples of significant and measurable business benefits that can be accrued from adopting a documented and repeatable process improvement framework.

A common mistake made by companies when implementing process improvement is to allow the chosen model to dictate the process design. The CMMI® is a model that needs to be interpreted based upon the business environment and technical needs of the project; it is not a standard that must be implemented exactly as documented. A failure to recognize this might still result in maturity levels being attained; however, the end product is unlikely to be a process suite which complements your operating needs.

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