Blog on things around me - Applications, Java Platform, Free & Open Source Software, Gadgets, Utilities...
Monday, November 7, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Intel’s Parallel Extensions for JavaScript
Intel’s Parallel Extensions for JavaScript, code named River Trail, hooks into on-chip vector extensions to improve performance of Web applications. Details of Intel’s attempt to get on the JavaScript juggernaut emerged last month at its developer event.
The prototype JavaScript extension offered by Intel is intended to allow JavaScript apps to take advantage of modern parallel chip capabilities. Sequential gives way to parallel, at least in theory.
In-browser games and image editing are pitched as examples of application elements that would take advantage of new eight-core processors, blogs Intel’s Stephan Herhut.The software is said to ”play nicely” with the WebGL JavaScript API to OpenGL for 3D visualization in the browser. Intel has a beta Firefox extension for interested developers. Says Herhut:
You can download a prebuilt version for Windows and 64 Bit MacOS [from github] or build it yourself. For the latter, we have written a README that explains the process. Once you have the extension installed, take a look at our demos to see what is possible.
Why should the browser be a second fiddle to the operating system? As browsers, JavaScript, and HTML5 gain more influence, top-tier chip makers will start to adapt their libraries to Web application demands. More, including material on API design or the beginnings of API documentation, is on a RiverTrail wiki.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Hackers break SSL encryption used by millions of sites
Researchers have discovered a serious weakness in virtually all websites protected by the secure sockets layer protocol that allows attackers to silently decrypt data that's passing between a webserver and an end-user browser.
The vulnerability resides in versions 1.0 and earlier of TLS, or transport layer security, the successor to the secure sockets layer technology that serves as the internet's foundation of trust. Although versions 1.1 and 1.2 of TLS aren't susceptible, they remain almost entirely unsupported in browsers and websites alike, making encrypted transactions on PayPal, GMail, and just about every other website vulnerable to eavesdropping by hackers who are able to control the connection between the end user and the website he's visiting.
At the Ekoparty security conference in Buenos Aires later this week, researchers Thai Duong and Juliano Rizzo plan to demonstrate proof-of-concept code called BEAST, which is short for Browser Exploit Against SSL/TLS. The stealthy piece of JavaScript works with a network sniffer to decrypt encrypted cookies a targeted website uses to grant access to restricted user accounts. The exploit works even against sites that use HSTS, or HTTP Strict Transport Security, which prevents certain pages from loading unless they're protected by SSL.
The demo will decrypt an authentication cookie used to access a PayPal account, Duong said.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Microsoft download from The Garage: Mouse without Borders - Next at Microsoft - Site Home - TechNet Blogs
The video above both explains and shows Mouse Without Borders far better than I can using words. The project is testament to the power of The Garage which helped Truong develop the user interface and setup the usability tests that have helped the tool become very accessible and easy to use. As well as that, The Garage and its regular Science Fairs inside Microsoft helped expose the project to 9,000 people before it was ready for external release. Now that day has arrived and I’m delighted to announce here on Next at Microsoft that Mouse Without Borders is ready for download.
InfoQ: Limiting Work in Progress and Scrum
If your Scrum team can't solve a problem on it's own, then they come to you (the Scrum Master). It's your job to hunt down whoever can unblock the team as quickly as possible and solve that problem. What will your developers do while you're on your manhunt? Partnering up on a single programming task would work great, maybe having a WIP limit of 8 for a team of 7 or a WIP limit of two for each single developer. Use your sprints to experiment here if it seems like something you want to implement.
Just remember to wear comfortable shoes since you'll be walking a bit more than normal for at least a little while.
Friday, June 10, 2011 accounts hacked?
It has further said 'only' email-ids and passwords were accessed (it does not store any CC or SSN info)!
Seems like this is the season of hacks - Gawker, Playstation Network (PSN) and various other Sony sites, Toyota...who is next in queue of getting hacked?
PS: I have not accessed my account on for a long time now. Let me see if I can access it. Looks like they have updated the passwords. Sending a request for password reminder. Waiting to hear from them now...
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tweets as a Newspaper!
As you may notice, there are some white spaces around. But overall, it is a nice template and gives a good feeling to overall content. There has been an effort to make different sections based on the hash-tags (my assumption). Videos and Photos different sections.
You can generate newspapers for any tags or you can generate newspapers out of Twitter lists. I have created Bollywood Newsline from one of such list.
Rajneesh Garg's Daily
Bollywood Newsline
The Tech Front
The India Daily
The Photography Daily
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