Saturday, February 28, 2009

Scrum in less than 10 mins

Here is an introductory video of Scrum. Video is hosted on Youtube and is 8 min long.

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Monday, February 2, 2009

Maven: The Definitive Guide - Free Download

The people at sonatype have released Maven: The Definitive Guide book for free on PDF/html.

Download your copy and folow the blog.

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Staying in Touch: How Does Your Generation Communicate?

Text and IM all day long; reach out to friends by posting status or photos on Facebook; use Skype to call a college friend who's getting a masters at Oxford; post to a personal blog; microblog through Twitter "tweets"; email Mom

For friends, use Facebook to send messages, post photos of last weekend's party or write on an old friend's wall; for colleagues, connect through LinkedIn

Email or phone old friends and colleagues when there's time

Send cards and letters, with an occasional email

[Received in an email]

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

How Do You Want to Pay? Google?

Herald Sun reports that Google Australia is considering a plan to take on payments giants such as Visa, Mastercard and B-Pay in the booming online payments market.

The move comes as the search giant secured a financial services licence from local regulators.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission recently issued Google Australia with an authority to provide deposit and payments services to local merchants and shoppers.

While the licence does not permit Google to provide cash-based payments services to Australian clients, it will enable the group to facilitate digital or online transactions.

Web-based commerce is a hotly contested and lucrative market for payments providers and has spawned a raft of new players including E-Bay subsidiary PayPal.

The ASIC licence potentially opens a fresh revenue stream for Google which will be able to collect processing and transaction fees for bringing shoppers and merchants together via its websites.

Through PayPal, EBay has stolen a march on Google in the Australian online payments arena.

Market research published earlier this month by Neilson Online found that 7.3 million Australians shop over the internet.

The survey found that credit cards were the most preferred form of online payment, followed by PayPal and BPay.

Payment from a personal bank account was the least preferred method.,21985,24982159-664,00.html

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