Friday, September 5, 2008

Some Basic Linux And Unix Commands

cat - Lets you view the contents of a file. Many linux commands can use the redirection symbol > to redirect the output of the command. For example, use the redirection symbol with the cat command to copy a file: cat /etc/shells > newfile ( the contents of the shells file are written to newfile ).
cd - Changes the directory.
chmod - This command changes the attributes assigned to a file.
clear - Clears the screen. This command is useful when the screen has become cluttered with commands and data that you no longer need to view.
cp - Used to copy a file.
date - Entered alone, this command displays the current system date settings. Entered in the format date , this command sete the system date.
echo - Displays information on the screen.
fdisk - Creates or makes changes to a hard drive partition table.
grep - Searches for a specific pattern in a file or in multiple files.
hostname - Displays a server's FQDN.
ifconfig - Used to troubleshoot problems with network connections under TCP/IP, this command can disable and enable network cards and release and renew the IP address assigned to these cards.
kill - Kills a process instead of waiting for the process to terminate.
ls - This command is similar to the DOS Dir command, which displays a list of directories and files.
man - Displays the online help manual, called man pages.
mkdir - This command makes a new directory.
more - Appended to a command to display the results of the command on the screen one page at a time.
mv - Moves a file or renames it, if the source and destination are the same directory.
nestat - Shows statistics and status information for network connections and routing tables.
nslookup - Queries doman name servers to look up domain names.
ping - Used to test network connections by sending a request packet to a host. If a connection is successful, the host will return a response packet.
ps - Displays the process table so that you can identify process ID's for currently running processes.
pwd - Shows the name of the present working directory.
rm - Removes the file or files that are specified.
rmdir - Removes a directory.
route - Entered alone, this command shows the current configuration of the IP routing table. Entered in the following format, it configures the IP routing table: route
vi - Launches a full screen editor that can be used to edit a file.
whatis - Displays a brief overview of a command.

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